Your Branding is Your Handshake

Your branding says so much. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and I say that a logo is worth ten times that. With a single graphic design, you are communicating the essence of your brand, company, agency, etc. You are telling your story in the blink of an eye, giving potential clients or customers a snapshot of the vision behind it. The fonts, lines, shapes, design, colors, and images you use to create your logo and the branding supporting it all add layers to the story, giving the perfect opportunity for you to tell this story with depth and bring about connection with your audience.

Think of it this way: When you’re prepping for a job interview, chances are you’re going to take extra time that day to make sure you present the best version of yourself. Your appearance and, more importantly, your mindset, are of great importance when seeking to create a solid first impression. You put intention into your handshake, how you speak, and your body language for the duration of your time in the interview. Sound about right?

So then, how much more important is it that you present yourself, and your company, in the very best light possible when someone discovers you? Whether it’s a business card, a Google result, or an ad on Facebook, you want them to experience the same level of intention you would put into that job interview. Take the time to create an environment in which potential customers can connect with your brand. You do this through your branding, and by extension, your website.

How you present your brand online is your digital handshake, and you only get one, so make it good.

In addition to creating connection with your first impression, good branding will help you stand out. Because no matter what industry you are in, I would bet that you aren’t the only one doing what you’re doing. Anyone can go online and find a premade logo template and upload it to a premade site template. It’s that accessible. And sometimes when someone’s in a tough situation where that’s all they can afford to do, it gets the job done, so I’m not going to badmouth that. I’ve been there, so I get it.

There are just so many brands and websites out there that do just that, though. And you want to stand out in the crowd. You want to show your potential audience that you care to put time into your branding the same way you care to put time into whatever product or service you’re offering to them. Even if they don’t actively realize that’s what you’re communicating, it will come across, and if your vibe resonates with them, it results in a like, a follow, engagement, and ultimately conversion.

So I would urge you to think about all of this and reflect, whether you’ve already got branding or you’re not quite there yet in your journey. Ask yourself if your story is being told by your logo, colors, etc. And if the answer’s no, then know that I’m here to offer over 20 years of experience to help your story be told authentically, so feel free to check out my branding packages.

I hope this gave you a new perspective on what good branding can do, and why it’s so very important! Thank you for reading!

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